About us

Learn what make us specials


The creation of each new project is a unique history, this is a new vision, a new strategy, a new attitude in deciding the hundreds of questions that arise during the capitalization of the idea.

Our clients are also our business partners. We create correct, long-lasting relationships with our clients, because only the partnership relationship brings revelation and common success, otherwise it is impossible!

All projects in architecture


The creation of each new project is a unique history, this is a new vision, a new strategy, a new attitude in deciding the hundreds of questions that arise during the capitalization of the idea.

Our clients are also our business partners. We create correct, long-lasting relationships with our clients, because only the partnership relationship brings revelation and common success, otherwise it is impossible!

All projects in urbanism


The creation of each new project is a unique history, this is a new vision, a new strategy, a new attitude in deciding the hundreds of questions that arise during the capitalization of the idea.

Our clients are also our business partners. We create correct, long-lasting relationships with our clients, because only the partnership relationship brings revelation and common success, otherwise it is impossible!

All projects in interior design


Compania GORGONA ofera consultanta in vederea selectarii corecte a terenului pentru constructii, destinatiei acestuia, amplasamentului spatiilor cu diversa menire: social-culturala, locative sau multifunctionala… si bineinteles, in vederea documentatiei de proiect si avizelor necesare de la inceperea proiectarii pina la darea in exploatare a obiectivului sub cheie.

Consultanta noastra e succesul D-stra!